Wednesday 28 October 2015

A Call For World Peace.

Hear the voice in the back of your mind,
Calling from the shadows of the whispering winds.
Your eyes witness the black nightingale as it soars,
Beneath the moon blood red, offering shimmering sweet disposition.

There stands a woman so alone among the children.
Her man cannot protect her, for he's been incarcerated,
So they say, for reasons of dissenting untruths.
More the truth be known,
He would not fight this war upon his principle of choice.
Hear starvation cry out from mouths of many,
While others lay silenced from mutilations wounds.
Politicians claim intervention of terrorism, and to create peace.
Soldiers say it was an accident, a ricochet from a stray round.
The innocent call it as it is, none other than political atrocities of war crimes.
A life of walking along the road of desolation's loneliness to tyranny,
Ruling with a destiny where conscience betrays,
Through eyes of paradise filled with decoys.

There is no salvation of offering heads for prayers.
The bridge you travel leads to no glimpse of reality to return.
Truth has died once stripped of all virtue and sanity.
Still the heart claws and crawls through dirt's pain,
In desperation of mere chance to reach solace in solitude.

How long will this vision of insanity remain, before the eyes fall,
In readiness to be taken under darkened flight in transition?
Within the chilling hold beyond reach of calling,
Where only a memory stands above us all to see,
Soon to forget as the passage of time passes over.

Why are there so many innocent people suffering in this world we live in?
We don't need your soldiers to tend to the weeding of our crops of humanity.
I ask what the United Nations Council is contributing to world peace?
And what are the oligarchs of the corporate society contributing to world peace?
What about the bank owners, what are they contributing to world peace?
All our world leaders in politics, are they contributing to world peace?
The innocent people of the world are contributing to a call for world peace.
They're protesting in the name of world peace.
All the musicians, they're singing in the name of world peace.
They're rolling out in voices of harmony, for world peace.
Make your voice be heard, or ask someone to speak out for you.
This is the time to make that call,
A Call For World Peace.

I lay no claim to sole ownership of this article, as it's owned by every one around the world, who believes in world peace.
I've written this on behalf of every innocent victim, living or dead, in the of sanity, in a call for world peace.
Help me spread it around through Facebook, Twitter, and any other social media sourced outlet.
Get the attention of the main stream media outlets, to present this article on radio, television and printed media sources, through your own local media.
Publish this in every country around the world, translate it into your own mother tongue.
This is to be presented by the innocent people, to their president/prime minister, responsible as representatives to their country, in calling for world peace.
I want every member of of the United Nations and NATO, to read this.
I want every innocent human being, who hasn't contributed to the causes of warmongering,propaganda, terrorism, profiteering through war, oppression, and/or the suchlike, to share and spread this around, with the same passion in belief as I do towards world peace.
I call upon Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and her heirs, the Human Rights groups, Greenpeace, church communities, The Pope himself, Sir Bob Geldolf and all musicians, all the petitioning groups, to get involved.
There has been too much blood shed on the soil of our earth.
Our mother lands are for living on in peace, growing crops so every can eat.
The politicians and corporatist elite do not have the right to profit from war! Their job isn't a warmongering role!
We have a right to live in harmony.
This is the time to stand up and shout out across the world, enough is enough!
My name is Trevor Mills.
Join me in our right to live in world peace.

Tapa eat (Thank you).

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